Chose a 37 kg real sex dolls

It’s easy to read anyway. As a pair. After bothering and going crazy with my girlfriend, I bought Wm real sex doll. Since she returned, I secretly packed the baby in the cellar. If I understand correctly, are you waiting wisely for your partner to leave so that your doll can be taken out of the package again? This is true, poor. She must feel like a troubleshooting companion. It’s not really good. Hello, I am considering buying a 163-hour cup. Hope to have comments and suggestions on this model, share tips, maintenance and maintenance, etc … see you soon. It is indeed in good condition, but at 48 kilograms, you may soon get tired because it is too heavy to move. I prefer the WM 163 H Cup. Really. But I reasoned, I chose a 37 kg real sex dolls (I guess, plus head, clothes, etc., it weighs /-40 kg).

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