Kit can be used to pick up Japanese sex doll

There is a special kit that can be used to pick up the Japanese sex doll, but it depends on whether the counterfeit product can use it. For the skeleton, welding is required. The risk of the torch is too great, because the temperature rises very quickly, and the thermal displacement of the rest of the skeleton will deform, even melt, and even burn the fake TPE. The risk of arc welding is still much lower. Do not stay on the weld for too long to avoid the same problem with the torch. Arc welding projects very hot sparks and produces lasting traces. Once the doll is opened, use cotton to protect the rotation of the entire Japanese sex doll and evenly observe the layers to prevent the particles from burning as little tissue as possible and avoiding danger. Near the weld in the future, around the fabric skeleton (cotton) to minimize heat transfer and avoid degradation of the semi-TPE.

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