When I was therefore sure, the seller who used real Japanese sex doll photos and sent us a poor quality copy, or a seller who didn’t look like the ordered model photos at all. You’d better not order on AliExpress, I suggest you order on the website referenced on the forum, at least you must have a real doll. By ordering on this site, you can almost make a great meal. You will find a list of safe sites to buy dolls in the forum. Good evening, welcome to the forum, like many activities on this forum, I order my dolls from love dolls, the fourth coming tomorrow, love dolls control these dolls to reach his studio in France, this avoids It was an unpleasant surprise, and he was the only one who ensured victory. After sales service and maintenance. Sites like eBay and aliexpress had to flee from buying Japanese sex dolls.
Such sites have to escape from buying Japanese sex dolls?
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