They are registered for compensation in the seller list of realistic sex doll

In short, just like we are in a democratic country, freedom of speech is free. I hate the language of wood. I hide behind my little finger to see the truth in Face. We all know that there are a lot of fraudulent and rogue websites. I think our role is to help future dolls not fall into the trap, pointing out that they are not heretics. I want to clarify that 9 TPE sex doll websites of authorized sellers are mentioned in this forum, which means that all other websites must not be mentioned. Will they be automatically reviewed after appointment?

I think a clear and accurate explanation of this topic will be very helpful, especially for new immigrants who do not necessarily know the details of these regulations. A + my friend! Since you have been there, how can you ask such a question. As long as the reputation is good, any dealer can become a partner of the forum.

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If some resellers are reviewed, it is because there are good reasons, and recently we have received a lot of returns. Most sites under review are incorrect (stealing photos, false accounts, false testimonies, etc.), which is why the review is conducted. For other commercial sites, they are manufacturer sites, in which case they are registered for free in the trademark list, or they are dealer sites, in which case they are registered for compensation in the seller list of realistic sex doll.

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